The Importance Of Quality Healthcare Furniture

Quality, comfortable and moving ICU beds on white background
by Inspace |October 10, 2020 | Blog

The Importance Of Quality Healthcare Furniture

Healthcare facilities, be it, hospitals or clinics, devoid of furniture will actually lack the basic facility required for patient service. Furniture is a basic necessity in the healthcare sector that helps provide optimum service for both patients and staff. It provides much-needed comfort and optimism for patients while waiting in the waiting room. Furniture provides the required support for doctors, nurses and other staff members in a hospital. Inspace, a leading healthcare furniture supplier in Chennai, provides ergonomically designed, safe, durable healthcare furniture that meets the growing demand of the healthcare sector.

Hospital waiting area with quality furniture

Furniture is not just for the ambience but it completes the healthcare environment. Furniture for the healthcare industry needs to have an aesthetic and be less refined than other counterparts in the market. Innovation and cutting edge technology has given rise to numerous choices. Today, the healthcare sector is in a position to provide the specificity of the products that not only meet all practical purposes but also serve nuanced needs and still be visually appealing. Healthcare suppliers are now capable of meeting large scale customized products within the specified timeframe.

Quality healthcare will always be the motto and hospitals do require technologically advanced and efficient equipment as well to meet this requirement. It helps in all aspects to serve your patients better. Inspace Healthcare Furniture is very well aware of the demands of quality furniture and equipment for the healthcare sector. The company ensures that all their products meet the standards and the ergonomics required of healthcare furniture. You need to understand the kind of impact quality furniture will make so you can select the right furniture for your facility.

The Significance Of Quality Furniture

Furniture is the first thing a patient notices upon arriving at a hospital. Furniture should be pleasing and inviting and should have a lasting impression on the patient. The lobbies and the waiting room should have an impressive design statement that brings out the image and the brand of the concern. Waiting area and lobbies are the most active regions in a hospital and the furniture you select must address this basic necessity. Multipurpose seats will be great for a transitional environment and great staff, patient engagement. Well maintained, great quality and attractive furniture will not only create a warm environment but also lasts long which reduces considerable financial burden.

Quality of the material used in furniture is an important factor while choosing healthcare furniture. You need to avoid materials made of a substance that can cause health issues in humans. Substances that trigger asthma and carcinogens need to be avoided. Furniture and upholsteries should be made of graded materials that are PVC free. It must not have harmful flame retardants that can cause cancer, diabetes and affect reproductive health. Lobby furniture should be able to see through a 24/7 work environment and only quality furniture will be able to match the expectations.

Patients can be given the utmost care with the help of technologically advanced and good quality furniture and equipment. There are now a variety of chairs, recliners and gliders that will easily help inpatient treatment and recovery. Healthcare furniture suppliers provide appropriate furniture for patients who need to or lie down for a long period of time. Recliners, sofas and other sleepover furniture are gaining popularity. Egress and ingress facilities in furniture are helpful for both staff and patients. Negative impression on the furniture is only going to make patients believe that healthcare quality is not good.

Investing in the right and good quality furniture will make the first impression the best impression. You need the furniture to last long in good condition. Inferior quality furniture is cheap but they will not last long enough when compared to quality products. Chairs and upholsteries will very soon get worn out, especially in the areas where you rest hands and arms. Changing furniture frequently will incur a loss. Furniture that can be renewed will greatly extend its life cycle. Furniture should also be reconfigured easily to minimize waste. You should easily add or remove seats or be able to move around.

Taking Everybody Into Consideration

Furniture for healthcare must accommodate all types of patients. There is a growing number of bariatric patients especially in Chennai and they need chairs and beds of different size and structure. Chairs now come in a variety of weight capacities and seat width. Bariatric furniture is not just for patients needing bariatric treatment but it can also accommodate the growing population in the hospital premises. Hospitals must ensure that any special needs furniture is readily available. Thumb rule is that one out of every ten seating options should be allocated to bariatric patients. Good quality bariatric seating should be able to evenly distribute the weight for better performance.

Comfort is a vital factor that comes along quality furniture. Caregivers take the majority of stress over them as they support patients’ needs. They support patients in transferring, standing and walking or waiting for them seated for a longer period of time. Chairs should feel comfortable for longer periods. It should have five-leg bases with soft armrests and a backbone that supports the natural curve of the spine and supports the lumbar adequately. If you are providing desks, it should have enough space to place a laptop at least 20 inches away and there should be ample desk space.

Patient and treatment room should be bacteria and fluid resistant. Infection control should be given utmost importance in these areas. You must choose the furniture and upholsteries that address these issues. The upholstery should withstand 24/7 use and constant cleaning. Furniture should have fluid barriers over the cushion. It should be resistant to stain, bacteria and bacteria. It should not allow moisture to pass through the cushion while cleaning. The upholstery should be a softer and breathable material that can be a protective barrier without sacrificing the feel of the furniture. Good quality furniture is easy to maintain and will not require any protective material and there will be no place for bacteria to hide.

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